Meet the Team

Dr Andrew Hay BSc, BVSc (Hospital Director)

Andrew hails from far East Gippsland in Victoria. He graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2008 with degrees in science and veterinary science.

After uni, he began his career in the beautiful Adelaide Hills, spending 5 years in mixed practice before undertaking 3 years’ additional training in emergency medicine and critical care. He has spent the last 7 years in general practice in Adelaide with a particular focus on his interests in emergency, reproduction and soft tissue surgery.

Andrew is owned by two elderly Burmese cats and two Dalmatians. He has two daughters, plays too many brass instruments, spends his spare time losing to his wife at tennis and enjoys writing about himself in the third person.

Contact Us

South Hedland Vet Hospital

(08) 9172 1608

Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Sunday: Closed

After Hours Only *

0439 005 423

*only to be used after hours, additional fees apply