Digital X-Rays & Ultrasound

Medical imaging helps our vets to look at what’s going on inside your pet without actually opening them up. Using medical imaging such as X-rays (also known as radiographs), we can examine bones and soft tissue to diagnose conditions from fractures (broken bones) and bone cancer to pneumonia and pregnancy.

Digital X-Rays
Our state of the art digital X-ray machine allows us to process and examine X-ray images of your pet quickly, aiding in diagnosis and treatment of many conditions. Depending on what area needs to be X-rayed, your pet may require sedation.

Ultrasound scanning uses high frequency sound waves (that humans can’t hear) to generate images of internal structures. When the sound waves are pointed at the body, some of the waves are absorbed and some bounce back – the ones that bounce back are measured by the machine and transformed into an image for us to examine. Your pet’s fur may obstruct the ultrasound scan – so don’t be surprised if your pet comes home with a shaved patch! We use the expert services of Dr Rebecca Lonsdale and Dr Christina Lesley from Diagnostic Veterinary Imaging in Perth.

If you’re worried about your pet’s health, call us to make an appointment today(08) 9172 1608

Contact Us

South Hedland Vet Hospital

(08) 9172 1608

Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Sunday: Closed

After Hours Only *

0439 005 423

*only to be used after hours, additional fees apply